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The success Resolution

| Senin, 20 September 2010 | |
The Way We Use

Maybe it's okay if a lot of people who define success by the achievement of materials with different symbols and representation. Legitimate because the material facts including the main variables for our survival. People say, money or materials is not everything, but everything needs money.

Legitimately be said also because there was no legal reason to blame him. All I can say it fits or not breathing is not a legitimate reason, but the development of civilization and reason, spiritual community. Perhaps someday our society no longer makes the achievement of the material as the sole measure of success.

Property with a variety of symbols and representation was actually not a-spiritual beings. God Himself called it as a tool for good. Always reminded of is how to get it, how to understand it, and how to use it. So, the point is not on the material and the various symbols that, but more on The Way We use.

How to Obtain audited

In addition there are two ways that were both in getting kesukesan we know, that is the correct way and how to deviate, there are more ways that we may need to audit. This while still in the new year atmosphere. Hopefully with this initiative, the quality of our lives become increasingly better.

First, if we get success in ways that also involved other people succeed? Does all this success we have with how to optimize your use of the potential / personal competence and others? Do we have to use ways of "empowering"?

If that's the way we've done, we've been on the right track. Our job is to maintain and enhance. The message that we need to remember is: "even the best, it must be improved ', though it was good, but must remain fixed.

Second, whether the success we get from giving or bestowal, by being inaugurated / given? For example, our parents pass on various assets and the effect was large enough that we feel our success is not because of competence, but because of legacy (heritage).

Or also for example we work in a large company, well established, and have a name. With a variety of roles given to us and we feel the success that we've got it really is Politics. That is, the more positive role in it is not our competence as a person, but the influence of the organization.

If the feeling is that often appear, that's right for us to do is be grateful. In the "science of God" there is no coincidence that its really a coincidence. We became great man's son was not accidental. We work in an established company that's not a coincidence. All happens for a reason and purpose.

Only, we need an audit is to scale our gratitude. The highest scale is that when we are able to use existing resources and potential to achieve goals that are always bigger, higher and more positive ways positive. The lowest scale is when we are only able to give thanks with his mouth and words.

Third, whether the success was during the time we get tricked in ways other people and circumstances, by politicking? In the rubric Newspaper Reader Letter of the capital, often I read a vent some of our senior students who are outside the country. Their dilemma.

One side, their nationalism was called was called by her to return to Indonesia, to apply their knowledge here. But on the other hand, they fear. Success (achievement of matter) here are often not directly proportional to competence. Many people can achieve wealth because of its sophistication in playing politicking, not because empowering or actualizing.

The tradition of politicking in our already crazy enough, from corruption, bribery, tender, abuse of power, etc.. Even after going almost woke up the collective belief that without politicking, we felt it was hard to get - down load quick and easy success.

Shifts Motif

What we really need is point number three audits that. What can we clean from the practice of politicking? Clean in the sense of truly were spotless, maybe it takes a long process. Urgent is the gradual improvement (Kaizen) of self-awareness.

The question, what kind of awareness that's important here? One is the shifting patterns of consciousness, from the negative (minus) to positive (Plus). Indeed, as Spencer (1993), motives are often unable to qualify that our actions, whether we will use the politicking or empowering.

Motif itself is the impetus (need or desire) that make people do something (Merriam Websterâ € ™ s). The motive here neutral in character, can be negative and positive, depending kitanya. If the concept refers to the Zohar and Marshall (2004), there are a number of negative motives that we need to shift so as not to always use the politicking to success.

First, self-assertion (riya). It's negative. If we pursue success as a motive in order to assert oneself, after a long time politicking. So not too far, we need to slide into self-exploration. This means that we pursue with success our motive to mengeksplosi potential and the potential of others (by empowering).

Second, anger (negative reaction). If we chase success because of vengeance and furious by the behavior of people who are richer, we long to see man as an enemy or opponent. This had caused the 1998 looting ago. Better we slide into the motive to cooperate or to build synergistic partnerships and civilized.

The third, greed. The motive of these negative gaps arise because we are experiencing spiritual values. Greedy will allow us to do politicking. Until we're rich too, still want to impoverish others or to feel less. It would be great if we replace it with a motive to build strength from within, for example by becoming a more spiritually minded.

Fourth, fear. Fear of being moved, afraid of not being promoted, contract extended not afraid, afraid to say are not rich, etc., will be easier to play politicking. Better that we control and we are sliding into the motives for building skills, both mental, technical, or professional. Results more certainly OK.

Fifth, the unrest. If this negative motif continued to rule us, our long time politicking. We felt it was a dead end for choosing the ways of life that is positive. Will be better soon we slide into the motive to come up with creativity so that our minds are not clogged. There are still many things we can do, which can make our lives better OK, creative origin.

Sixth, apathy. Apathy in the workplace will make us indifferent to the interests and welfare of the people / organizations to make us easy to politicking. It would be good if we are sliding quickly into the motives of devotion, for example, we work for self-actualization, worship, play a role for others, and so on.

Seventh, shame and guilt. These motifs arise because we feel do not mean anything for themselves and the crowd making it easier for us to do politicking. In order not to continue, we immediately replace it with positive motives come up that can make our life meaningful for themselves and others.

Eighth, depersonalisation. This arises because we have ignored the various handles to live so that no more coordination between the heart, speech, desires, and actions. We're crap, really played a dirty politicking. Therefore, we immediately replace it with raised motifs to find enlightenment from various sources.

Will, Consistency, And Location

Absolute requirement to be shifting motive is the will (the will) and believe that everything is born from a will. Why is this important? Many people who fail to shift the motives for which were pledged as a condition for change is not the will, but reality.

In practice, there is certainly no single conclusion: whether the fact that created us or we are creating reality. It must be both mutual dialogue. Only, if we want change, we must choose the conclusion that we are the ones who created the reality. It's just a mental strategy only.

Besides the will, which is worth noting again is the level of consistency. If the children, this hour he's good, but an hour later he changed, it is still reasonable and have not be sized. But if an adult, this becomes an important measure of an outcome (performance).

That is, the shifting patterns from minus to plus it will give different results when we do it with high consistency. To have a high consistency, the condition is back on the belief above: kehendaklah that creates the reality (internal locus of control), rather than vice versa.

Well, because we are humans, not angels, then we still need support from external factors. If we move in an environment with a high level of politicking, it is more difficult to rid themselves of the various motives politicking. Therefore, we need a location, industrial areas, and a supportive community.

However, one thing we need to remember that the support of external factors that might follow nature. Even in practice, he came to own more often when there is a strong will and high consistency. If we want to be good, but we are looking for the good of others first, it is usually difficult. Would be easier if we become good people first.

There is no absolute

Whatever we make a benchmark measure of success, like wealth, power, brilliance, or any, should keep us understand as a potential or exam can raise our degrees and can be lowered depending on The Way We use. In addition, we need to understand is also limited as relativity, which is our nature, not as kemutlakaan. We can not say that property wealth is not important, what matters is piety. This is the nature of angels. The same can not we say the property was everything to measure our success. This is the nature of demons that absolutizing material. Hopefully useful.

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